.....not that I'm counting down or anything! Each day is one step closer to my trip. Each day my emotions change, I truly can't explain how many emotions are going through me. I have changed my focus though, from following a check list of whether I have sent thank you cards, how much money I owe, booking my flights, getting shots, etc to praying. Praying hard. That's all I can do when Uganda comes to mind, pray. I am giving all of me to the One who made this trip possible. I am surrending my heart to Him, wholly allowing myself to be changed. How can an experience be life changing if you don't open yourself up to be changed? Opening myself up is one of the hardest things for me to do generally, but it has been surprisingly easy these last few weeks. Going from not really being able to focus on the trip itself, more on the preparation, to now only focusing on myself, my heart, my God, has been amazing. Preparing for this trip has been life changing in itself, I can't wait to see what it's like once I am there.
So thank you, again, for praying for me. Not only for me but the whole group of us that will be forming a bond like no other. Thank you for the encouraging words and support toward this entire experience. I couldn't do it without all of the family and friends that have donated and supported!