Friday, April 29, 2011


So it is exactly 9 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, and 18 minutes until I will be sitting on a plane at DIA preparing myself for the journey of a lifetime. We will first be flying to the London airport via a 9 hour flight. Any of you who know me know that I get extremely clausterphobic on planes and that it is near impossible for me to sleep on them. I'm a little nervous to say the least. The longest flight I think I have been on is maybe a 3 or 4 hour flight? While I am sitting here trying to picture the kind of emotions that I will be experiencing that day, July 4th, I am realizing it is not possible to prepare myself for this experience. Any expectations I go into Uganda with, I expect them to be blown out of the water. And while I am going down there with my sister and best friend, we are all going to have such different emotions and experiences even though we will be seeing the same things. My response to people asking me if I am excited has changed from, "Oh my gosh, yes!! SO excited!" to "yeah...I am excited, but I am definitely nervous, don't get me wrong." So why this change in emotions? I don't know, I think God is trying to prepare my heart and He is doing that by allowing it to ache to just be landing in Entebbe, Uganda. He is also allowing me to see things in a different light, where all I can say is "ughh, I just want to be in Africa" anytime something negative happens here. What is the most interesting to me is trying to picture myself when I return to the states from Africa. I am already currently revolving my life around this trip; telling everyone around me about it, constantly adding up how much money I have raised, just trying to get through each day knowing that it is one day closer to July 4th. What will life be like post-Africa? Well, stay tuned for that in August :)

Really what I am asking of people now, please pray. Pray for my heart to continue to be prepared for what this experience has in store for me. Pray that God uses my hands to farm their land, my smile to bring that happiness to others, and my heart to break in order to heal the hearts of others.

Thank you everyone for so much support so far! We just got a packet in the mail from Come Let's Dance which has some videos and their documentary. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to have a chance to watch either of them to get an idea of the amazing things this organization is doing.

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