Holy cow, TWELVE hours?!? I really am not sure I ever truly realized when I planned this trip that THE day to leave would actually come. It has snuck up on me faster than I could have ever imagine and of course to no surprised, I'm not finished packing yet. In fact, I don't even have a suitcase. Although that doesn't surprise me, I am surprised at how calm I woke up feeling this morning. I assumed I would be a hot mess of emotions this morning, but I am feeling pretty relaxed. So as I may not be physically ready as of this moment, I am emotionally ready. I'm ready to go do what God has called me to do. It is my duty in life to serve others and to show them Jesus through everything I do. I can't wait. My best friend sent me an email the other day of all the random essentials in Africa that maybe you wouldn't think of. While that was helpful, it was the last sentence she closed the email with. "Love unconditionally. Be Jesus to everyone you meet." I wrote this in my journal very big and boldly so that it is constantly a reminder this next month, and even after that. So yes, I am ready.
I do want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me. Really, without the contributions and prayers I wouldn't be going today. So thank you beyond words. Please, please, please continue praying. Pray for everything to go smooth from arriving at DIA to the 18 hours of flying and 9 hour layover in London to landing in Entebbe, Uganda. And continue praying for the next month. Pray that any type of discouragement turns into a positive learning experience. Pray that we touch the lives of others as I know they will touch ours. Pray for anything you can imagine Uganda-related :).
Last, a quick update as to what I know so far upon arriving in the UG. We will be picked up from the airport and head straight to the "village" for a 2-day orientation before heading to the basecamp outside of Kampala. Unfortunately, I am not sure what all the village entitles, but we were told to place anything we will need for those two days in accessible places. Gosh, I can't wait. I love you all and can't wait to share this experience.
Love you little Jacquers. You are going to do amazing work for amazing people. I'm proud of your strength & desire to help others. Embrace everything!!