Saturday, July 30, 2011

Week 4: Uganda

Sorry for no blog update last week! We have been busy and with all the power outages it has been hard to get internet. Anyway-I'll do a short day by day update first.
Monday we had a scavenger hunt with 3 teams and 4 people to a team. Each team had a Ugandan leader for safety that wasn't allowed to help us. We had to go all over the city of Kampala, to the hospital, the slums, all over the place. Our team actually ended up getting last, haha, but it was a lot of fun. We also all had to eat 2 fried crickets that night, which was absolutely disgusting, but I am proud to say that I did it!
Tuesday we were back to the projects after being gone for a week at the village. I went to the school and it was pretty easy and a relaxed day. When I saw my little Karim he was so excited and ran up to me. He is just so precious. When all the groups got back from projects we went to a surprise dinner, which was pizza and was sooo yummy. Then we drove to what they call prayer mountain where people go to just pray and worship. It was sadly closed when we got there, but we parked somewhere else on the mountain and just had some personal time. It was really cool and much needed.
Wednesday I went to the slumbase and painted and just did some small things around there. Nothing too exciting on Wednesday. I did get to talk to Dan which was so nice!
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday I worked at the farm all 3 days. They have 6 new students showing up Monday for a year of vocational training so there has been a ton to get done before then! I am pooped to say the least. The farm takes a lot of energy and we haven't had a day off for 2 weeks!
Paul got to go home on Friday though from the hospital and they said his spirits were up and he's doing great, so that was awesome news!
Today, we are going to church and then to the craft market to do our souvenir shopping, so finally our day off today. We only have 3 full days left! I can't believe we leave Wednesday morning. A month really flies by. The question I have constantly been asking God this month is "Who am I?" To be given such a beautiful life. To have food everyday, to have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep on, to have an awesome loving family. I have noticed I'm not really bringing many of my emotions into this blog, I'm not good at writing emotions, but definitely know that I am a different person and really have a new view on life and can't believe how much deeper my faith has gotten in a month. We have been challenged to the depths here and it's been a crazy learning experience. Thank you as always for the support and constant prayers! I love you all!


  1. Jacque - so good to hear from you. We were worried when you didn't blog last week that maybe you were getting physically and emotionally drained - glad to hear it was an electricity issue.

    Not sure who "Paul" is, you will need to fill us in on this story whern you get home.

    Also can't wait to see pictures of Karim.

    We can't wait until you and Danielle are home safe and sound.

    Love ya lots!
    GP & GM Schmidt

  2. I remember telling you and Danielle that I was so excited that you were both going to Uganda and together would make even more special. I was watching two of the most important people in my life take a journey that I KNEW WOULD CHANGE YOU FOREVER

    As I have followed your blog and read really read your words, I knew that you had done exactly as I knew you would, You are coming back a different person. I am so proud and blessed to have been able to read your words and know that a transformation was happening.

    Jacque you are a different person. I love you for putting your whole heart and soul into the people of Uganda and for allow them to enter yours.

    I can't wait until you return and I can hear all of your stories in depth and see your pictures.

    Enjoy London, have a safe flight home and I will see you when you get back.

    Sending all of our love and big hugs to you, love Gram Josh and Jimbo.

