Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 1: Uganda

Finally a blog update: Week 1 has been an extremely busy week. The two 9-hour flights were pretty bad but not as terrible as I expected. It was just a lot of hours with no sleep. The 9 hour layover took forever, we just waited at the airport. We landed in Entebbe, Uganda at 7:45 am on Wednesday-Ugandan time. From there we took a 4 hour drive to a village called Kaliro. I guess that it isn't even close to being considered a poor area. The people that live in the village bascially live a lifestyle of farming and house work type things. Not many of the kids go to school, so as soon as we got to where we were staying kids just flocked to us. They are all so so precious and so amazed by "Mzungus": white people. Everywhere you walk everyone just points and shouts "Mzungu! Mzungu!". Anyway, we walk into the basecamp where we will be staying for 2 nights and it is just a 2 bedroom building with one front main room. The girls split between the 2 bedrooms. Keep in mind there was absolutely nothing in these rooms, no bed, nothing. So we set some pads on the floor. We put 6 girls to a room, so we squeezed 2 girls per single size padding. It was squeezed to say the least. But such a great experience. We will be going back to the village for a 4 or 5 day outing where we will actually have projects we will run out of the village. It's looking like so far for sure a medical clinic. So we came back to the house on Friday afternoon, and it is SO nice. Complete appreciation for it after staying in the village. We all have our own beds and are sharing rooms, but there are showers and everything. Obviously everything here is limited use, because they only get water so often and it's cold. But, so nice compared to what we lived in in the village. The weird thing is, I haven't stopped thinking about the village since we left, I just loved the people there, the school we visited, everything about it.

Anyway, yesterday we ran a Medical Clinic in the Katanga Slums. That was a whole experience in itself. Completely heart-wrenching. We walked in groups weaving in and out of the slums letting people know that we would be doing a clinic in an hour. We were told we were in the "good" part of the slums, so I can't even imagine what the other parts look like. There was trash everywhere, dirty water everywhere, and just so many people living in such a tight space. There were a couple times where I had to hold my breath to keep myself from gagging because of the stench. I was at the hand washing station during the clinic, and so I performed 297 hand washes to be specific. My hand was beyond clean afterwards. It was crazy to see how excited everyone was to come to the clinic and how clueless the children were to even knowing how to wash their hands. I know my sister is doing an update so I am sure you'll hear about her totally different experience yesterday, which I'm glad I was distracted for! Today, Sunday, is a rest day. We are just hanging out at the house and they open internet up for us on Sundays. So those will probably be the days that I do updates. This next week is a full and busy week. We will have projects every day Monday-Saturday.

It is so hard in the limited time I have with internet to share all the details so far, but I can say God is good. Even in a place with such poverty and sadness, He shows me every day and every minute that the people here are so special. They just want to love and to be loved. The kids just hang on you and don't want to let go, yet they are so independent. 6 year old kids taking care of their baby brothers and sisters. It really is heart-wrenching. I feel so exhausted at the end of each day, just emotionally, but somehow God fills me each morning with so much energy and drive to continue helping these people.

I miss home lots, but I know my work isn't close to being done here. I still have a little over 3 weeks and in that time I am going to really learn my calling here. Whether it be directed at the slum basecamp, the school, or the farm. Oh, and the bugs: I don't know what everyone talks about all the time with so many bugs and them being big. I haven't been bothered once, there really arent many around where we are. Anyway, I love all of you that are checking this and am thinking about you all the time. Thank you for all the thoughts!


  1. Hey Jacque - sounds like you are getting to experience a LOT of new things, sites and smells.

    So glad you are doing okay. We were really excited to see your blog, will check again next Sunday when half your time will be up.

    Love ya lots - GM & GP Schmidt

  2. Im loving the updates! Its cool to have different perspectives to read about! I am going to have to search for jade's so i can read it too! Just remember when times get tough its only 3 more weeks out of the rest of your life and that what you all are doing over there is truly courageous!


  3. Well, call me slow Jacque, but I wrote this nice message and go figure I did something incorrect so it didn't post. Soooo here I go again!! I am copying this message this time just in case (ha)
    I knew that you would love the children and how exciting it must be to visit the different villages. I am relieved that you do not have to endure the bugs like I did in PNG. I laughed at the number of times you washed your hands. Amazing how you somehow find the energy you need each morning to continue your journey. Sending love and hugs, Gram Josh

  4. Hi Jacque,

    Wow! 297 hand washings! Don't wash your skin away.

    It sounds like room-service isn't an option.

    Sometimes, we are surprised by what we really miss when traveling. On one particularly scary/lonely journey I realized that I missed hearing a joke (in English) most of all.

    We miss you and love you; Jimbo.

  5. Hey Jac it sounds like you are having an amazing journey and loving every minute of it! Thanks for the up-date and can't wait to hear more!!
    Love you,

  6. Hello beautiful daughters. I miss you so much! I hope you are enjoying your experience and it is even more than you had hoped for. I have so many questions about the work you are doing and the people you are meeting. I was sad to have missed your phone call. Are you eating and sleeping ok? Bugs still staying away? Open either of your care envelopes?

    Home…you haven’t missed too much. We made it through great-grandma’s funeral without any troubles. It is stormy every afternoon. We haven’t taken the boat out even. Caden misses you. He had a great birthday. We went to dinner with Grandma Josh and Jimbo then took a couple of his friends to Water World and Jumpstreet. He had a baseball game and got his first two hits of the season. Good thing because this was his last game for the season. Yesterday he got his gear for football. He actually starts school August 1st.

    The dogs are still out of control. Stewy and Addi miss you tons and tons. I’m trying to keep them as happy as possible. They are going to have a vacation to Dan’s house for a week while we go to Florida. Kaia is going to the kennel and hopefully working with their trainer. She still has zero manners. We are leaving Wednesday to spend six nights in Florida, Ft. Lauderdale area. As excited as I am…it won’t be nearly the same without the two of you. It is going to be a pretty low key vacation. With travel days we really will only have four days to hang. I started a Hawaii change jar for next summer!!

    Patrick and I are the same; nothing new with either of us. I actually begin working August 2nd. Not ready! Shandee is still waiting for Ella’s arrival. She has had a couple of visits to the hospital but all false calls. Grams and Jimbo are all good too. The house is still full of dog hair, the refrigerator empty, and Patrick won’t admit it but I think he really does miss both of you.

    Dani~ I did mail your package. I’m working on your other to do list items. P hung that mirror in your room.

    Jacque~ P ordered the part for your car mirror and is in the process of hanging the shelves in your room. Your car stereo isn’t in yet…but will be.

    Well all of that seems meaningless compared to the work you are doing but hopefully it helps give you both some strength knowing home is still here and missing the two of you endless amounts. Keep smiling, journaling, and providing hope to those less fortunate than ourselves. You both have made me a very proud mom. Love you both and can’t wait to see you and spend hours hearing about everything.


  7. Hhmm........

    After reading all these posts, I guess I am supposed to say I miss you....???.... Or something like that... ;-)

    Sounds simply amazing what you are getting to experience! I wish I could just sit back in the background, and watch your face! I can't help but laugh when I think of some of the reactions you must be having to some of the simple things..... But, I would also like to be able to watch first hand the things that you are doing and giving to people, some of which you probably don't even know you are doing!

    All the same around here.... I am saving all the dog poop in a corner of the yard, just for you!! ;-) I know you don't want to miss out on that!

    Proud of you!!

    Just some random guy...

  8. Baby update...Shandee is at the hospital and in labor. Ella should be arriving sometime on July 17th. I will post more here as I hear more.
