Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 2-Uganda

Week 2 has now come and gone! It is so crazy that we have already been here for almost two weeks. This week was lots of work and very busy because it was a full week of projects. I will start by sharing in a very short version what I personally did each day. Monday I went to the farm, which was actually one of the most rewarding days this week. It was so much work, but was cool to actually be able to visibly see a difference at the end of the day. We mainly just did some farming and gardening upkeep. But it felt really good to work as a team with the people that went with us. On the farm they use a method called Farming God’s Way, which is something that makes so much sense. It is completely organic farming, no tools used whatsoever. So instead of having to plow the land they use what they call God’s Blanket which is just any type of shrubs or unused crop and laying it as a layer above the dirt to keep moisture in the soil so they don’t have to use any type of irrigation system. Anyway, Tuesday I went to the school where we just helped out around with some chores, such as dish washing, covering books in the library, and just making the school look nice. In the afternoon, I taught a writing lesson with another girl to the 5th grade class. We taught them cursive writing and only got through the letter ‘H’ so the teacher asked that we go back next Tuesday. So I am excited for that! Wednesday and Thursday I went to the Thread of Life Slumbase. I am feeling super invested in this project already. These women are taking classes on sewing and crafting along with making jewelry and purses. For the first time ever, CLD has found a set location for TOL and purchased an awesome compound. The focus while we are here is to help get the whole compound put together. So, those two days us girls decided we were going to make murals all over the walls in one of the craft rooms. Let me tell you, a group of 5 or 6 girls, who are completely non-artistic can come up with some pretty amazing murals. Pictures will be up when we get back of what the walls turned out to look like. Then, Friday I went to the school. The man who keeps up with the garden at the school had a death in his family so he has been gone for a very long time. The main need at the school then was to weed around the bean garden. Who would have thought that was so much work. As hard as it was, us 5 girls that went decided before getting there we were going to get the garden completely weeded and just put our minds to it and get it done. So, we got it done J. Again, something that felt really rewarding. Then yesterday we went to a small village close to the school and did a medical outreach, but this one was much less overwhelming than the last one. There weren’t very many people, but they were super thankful for our help. So that gives an idea of the week as far as work goes.

Emotionally, I am on a rollercoaster. I am here with such amazing people. I really could not have asked for any better of a group of people to be here with. All of the girls get along, which is rare when you have 11 girls sharing two bedrooms. The guys, leaders, and staff is so great as well. Everyone here is a family and the whole idea is to embrace community. We are here to build relationships, not only with the people in the house, but with the Ugandans we are working with at all the projects. So that is my focus the rest of the trip. This morning, Julie, our main leader, encouraged us to continue working as hard as we have been (they are really impressed with how much we are getting done already), but to not forget that we are here to build relationships. To have a reason to feel like we need to return here some day. So far, I haven’t been as focused on that because I am just working myself to the bone. I will say, I am super attached to this little boy Karim. He is so precious, I really am going to struggle leaving him. But other than that, I need to connect with other Ugandans. So please be praying for that. Also, I am working to be vulnerable here. Everyone wants to know your story and wants to have a genuine friendship here, but they aren’t near as genuine if I am not completely open and vulnerable. I am here for God to change me. The morning devotions we do here are the greatest thing ever. They have really been challenging me to work through all of my struggles, and let me know I have a support system. I love it here though. Like really, really love it here. As much as I miss home, I was meant to be here, meant to be surrounded by these people. So thank you so much to everyone who made this trip happen again. I miss you all so, so much. As always, any emails or comments will be so encouraging. I love you all dearly.


  1. Jacque - wow half your time is up, although it seems like you have been gone a year. It is so comforting for us to hear from you and know you are okay.

    See all that practice we made you do weeding when you were little to earn money came in handy, huh?

    We are anxious to see the "murals" and see what kind of artist you are.

    How old is your little friend Karim?

    Want to let you know that our response next Sunday will be late since we are leaving Friday to go up to Omaha and see Kenny and Erika's new house. Will send you something on Tuesday - K?

    Love you lots and keep taking care of yourself,
    GP & GM Schmidt

  2. We're looking forwards to pictures, stories (especially the eye-opening ones). - Jimbo.

  3. hiya jackie! it's josh and erica. we've really enjoyed following your blog and look forward to more update. can't believe what an awesome experience you both are having.

    be safe and have fun!

    HUGS :-)

  4. Hi beautiful ladies. I miss you so so much. It's hard being the only girl in the house. Jacque, the Bachelorette just isn't the same without you. Dani, I just don't do justice at being inappropriate. :-) We are in Florida. Visting the Ft. Lauderdale Palm Beach area. We have 3 days left & all we have done is go to the ocean. It has been so great! Between reading, tanning, & playing in the water I'm super content. We had a yummy dinner one night with yummy rum runners!!! One day we all freaked out while in the ocean.Ok I freaked out. We could see a crowd walking along pointing out at something. We joined them & seriously thought it was two smaller sharks. It actually ended up being two VERY large Patrick says. On the same day, again seeing a crowd forming & walking our way, there was the cutest manattee swimming right next to the shoreline. The little guy/gal was trying to beach itself...either it was sick or injured. It did a have a large propeller mark on its back. I got to be in the water right next to it & Caden & Patrick actually helped keep it from completely beaching itself. What a day at the ocean! Dan has the pups. They were so excited for a change of scenery and a break from Kaia. Ringo went to stay at Doc. Smith's and they called to say Patrick has to meet with them when we get back because Ringo is being a jerk & growling etc.. They are paying Jerry overtime to come in & deal with Ringo because he is the only one Ringo is cool with. Kaia went to Lone Tree...I cried dropping her off. Yes I am a giant dork but know both of you understand. I scheduled for her to have 2 walks a day & to attend play camp. I called to check on her & they said they love her & that she is doing great with the people but nervous around the other dogs. I start private training lessons with her on Friday. They also complimented on how clean she was!!! :-) I bathed all 3 of them, trimmed nails (not Stewy) & trimmed the hair between their toes. Trust me it was a long process. Stewy was LESS than pleased & I literally had to catch, carry, & hold him just to get him bathed...mostly because I was doing it outside with the hose. Kaia & Addi were so grateful on the 98 degree day. We all love and miss you girls so much. We head home Tuesday. How was the village? How were the little kids you have fallen so in love with? I can't wait to read & get an update. Oh...Shandee & Ella are doing great. They are all settled in at home. Wait till you see Ella. She is so beautiful & tiny. Picture holding a football in your hands...that's Ella. She has lots of dark hair for now, Shandee's eyes & Josh's chin with a sweet little dimple. Somehow she got Jacque's feet....:-) Come home soon!!! Hugs & kisses,

  5. I've so enjoyed following your experience and so very proud of you! As I post this, I think you have 1 week left of your adventure, so embrace every moment of it. I look forward to seeing photos of your experience! :)


  6. Hey Jacque - hope you are hanging in there and still enjoying the experience! Kinda concerned when we got back from Omaha tonight to see you didn't post anything new yesterday. Gramps and I keep telling ourselves if you weren't okay surely somebody would let us know. We just need to get through until a week from Thursday and hopefully you will be back home safe and sound. We can't wait to see you and hear ALL about everything.

    Love ya,
    GP & GM Schmidt

  7. Hello sweet granddaughter: As I read this I am amazed at the connections you are making with all of the people you meet. I love the phrase Farming God's way. Your journey is taking you exactly in the direction I knew it would. You have captured the heart of the people you meet and they have done the same in return. I am so very proud of you!! Sending you love and lots of hugs. Gram Josh
